How to Stop Radio Frequency (RF) Interference

Radio frequency (RF) interference can affect your electronic device’s performance, causing inaccurate readings or, in some cases, stopping your device from functioning.  All major markets have regulations that apply to RF interference. These regulations set clear...

RF Immunity & RF Immunity Testing Guide

If you’re designing an electronic device, you’ll need to verify that it complies with regulations for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) before marketing it to the public. EMC testing involves measuring several major performance indicators for your device, including...

Is FCC Certification Accepted in the UK?

By law, electronic devices sold in the United States need to comply with FCC Part 15 and gain FCC certification in order to enter the market.  While FCC certification grants access to the United States market, it is not recognized outside North America, including in...

Is FCC Certification Accepted in Europe?

In order to market your electronic device in the United States, you’ll need to complete lab testing to verify that your device complies with FCC Part 15. Completing this process grants equipment authorization, either as FCC certification or via SDoC, providing you...