Certification Bodies

Don’t waste critical time for your project. If you are in anyway unsure of the scope requirements for your product’s certification, please feel free to call us to discuss them. We are happy to answer your questions!

The FCC created TCBs (Telecommunication Certification Body) to enable private entities with the authority to issue FCC equipment approvals, just as if the FCC provided the FCC Grant directly. The FCC made changes in 2015 requiring most applications to be submitted through a TCB. There are a few exceptions, but for most approvals the FCC no longer accepts applications. This has helped simplify the FCC Certification approval process for both the FCC and manufacturers.

A TCB must be accredited to ISO/IEC 17065 and recognized by the FCC to submit approvals and issue grants.  A Manufacturer does not qualify as a TCB.

Valid to: December 1, 2024
Accreditation ID: 8994
Accredited TCB Scope: Download PDF

ALL applications are required to be submitted through a TCB for approval and to obtain a Grant/Certification. In most cases, your application will only take 2-3 days to obtain your grant from a TCB following receipt of required documentation and lab test reports.

Note: Once you obtain your Grant from the TCB, you may begin marketing your device immediately. The FCC does occasionally audit grants. If the grant is less than thirty days old and the device is found by the FCC to be non-compliant, the FCC can dismiss the grant. For grants that are older than 30 days and are found to be non-compliant, the FCC will work with the TCB and the Manufacturer to resolve the problem of non-compliance. After thirty days, the grant cannot be set aside, but the non-compliance issue must still be resolved.


An independent test laboratory, working closely with a TCB, can greatly simplify your certification process. Their expertise in understanding the FCC rules can guide a you to a successful certification. In addition, the paper work you are required to produce is significantly reduced. Your time to market can be substantially reduced by choosing the right independent test laboratory and TCB for your FCC certification.

Compliance Testing has assisted clients like you, resulting in thousands of successful certifications. We work closely with the FCC to understand the appropriate rules and to ensure our clients’ applications are processed seamlessly. Each application includes a pre-project review, regular status updates throughout the test cycle, notification of any issues or problems, and notification that your application has been accepted. We look forward to working with you to ensure your certification is timely, successful, and relatively stress free.

Two men doing equipment testing

We can answer your questions and let you know the costs associated with EMI/EMC testing and other compliance processes.