Immunity testing for electromagnetic compatibility, or EMC, is a key aspect of bringing a device to the market. EMC testing ensures that your electronic device operates as intended without its functioning being disrupted by other devices, or causing disruption to devices itself.

EMC immunity testing is one of several forms of testing used to assess an electronic device for electromagnetic compatibility. 

Below, we’ve explained what EMC immunity testing is, why it’s an important part of the testing and compliance process, common standards that involve electromagnetic immunity, as well as the steps that you can take to ensure your device is compliant.

For more information about EMC testing, or to request a quote for your device, contact us now or call us at 866-540-5287. 

What is EMC Immunity Testing?

EMC immunity testing is a form of lab testing that’s used to evaluate the ability of an electronic device to function correctly when it’s exposed to electromagnetic disturbances.

Electronic devices encounter a range of electromagnetic environments in real-life settings. For example, a device such as a TV may be exposed to electromagnetic disturbances from nearby home entertainment devices, phones, tablets, computers, appliances and other equipment.

In a device with poor EMC immunity, these disturbances may cause everything from flickering and signal loss to data corruption and other issues. 

Immunity testing simulates these environments to ensure that the device can withstand normal levels of electromagnetic disturbances without any loss of performance. 

Importance of EMC Testing

EMC testing, including immunity testing, is important for several reasons:

  • Regulatory compliance. Most countries have regulations for electronic devices sold in their markets. EMC testing is an essential part of these regulatory requirements, making it key for achieving market access in the United States and internationally.
  • Device reliability. Electronic devices that fail to operate correctly with electromagnetic interference can lead to user dissatisfaction and are often less reliable.
  • Safety. In critical applications, such as medical devices and industrial equipment, EMC issues can pose significant safety risks.
  • Market competitiveness. Successfully completing EMC testing not only ensures your device is compliant with relevant laws and regulations — it’s also an important step for producing a higher quality, more reliable, and more competitive device. 

Common EMC Standards

Many countries and markets have their own EMC regulations, including the United States and the European Economic Area (EEA). Other countries rely on harmonized versions of standards produced by international organizations to ensure devices meet EMC requirements.

Common EMC standards include:

  • FCC Part 15. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for regulating EMI for electronic devices under the FCC Part 15 rules.
  • EU EMC Directive. In the European Economic Area, the EU EMC Directive sets clear performance standards for electromagnetic compatibility.
  • IEC/EN 61000-4 Series. This series covers numerous aspects of immunity testing for electronic devices, including electrostatic discharge (ESD), radiated fields, surges and electrical fast transients.
  • CISPR Standards. The International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) also published standards related to emissions and immunity of electronic devices. 

As specialists in EMC testing and compliance, our team can help you understand the standards that apply to your device, as well as the type of testing you’ll need to complete for compliance.

Other Types of EMC Testing

In addition to EMC immunity testing, other types of EMC testing are also important for electrical devices:

  • Emissions testing. This type of testing checks whether a device emits electromagnetic energy that could interfere with other devices.
  • Conducted emissions. This test measures electromagnetic energy that’s emitted from a device through its power cord or other cables.
  • Radiated emissions. This test assesses the electromagnetic energy a device emits via space. 

Each type of testing addresses different aspects of a device’s electromagnetic compatibility and helps manufacturers develop products that are compliant with relevant regulations, designed for optimal performance, and safe to use. 

Contact Us to Discuss EMC Testing & Compliance

EMC immunity testing is a critical aspect of bringing your electronic device to the market. It not only ensures that your device complies with international standards — it’s also vital for ensuring that your device is safe, reliable and designed to function with other electronic equipment.

As specialists in EMC testing and regulatory compliance, our team can help you complete EMC testing for your device and comply with regulations such as FCC Part 15, the EU EMC Directive and others. 

To request a quote for your device or ask our engineering team your questions, reach out to us online or call us at 866-540-5287.