We Work With Manufacturers in Malaysia

If you’re located in Malaysia and need help achieving FCC certification for your device, we can help you. We regularly work with clients in Malaysia and can facilitate fast, convenient delivery of your device to our accredited testing lab.

Click the “Talk to Our Team” button to the right to contact our engineering and compliance team to request a free quote for your device or ask a question about the FCC certification process.

By law, all electronic devices that can emit radio frequency (RF) signals are required to comply with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15, or FCC Part 15

FCC Part 15 sets performance limits for radiated emissions and conducted emissions, as well electromagnetic immunity. In order to comply with FCC Part 15 and receive FCC certification, your device will need to complete lab testing to verify it operates within the standards. 

Marketing a non-compliant device in the United States is illegal. The FCC actively checks the market for non-compliant products and may apply fines and other legal actions. Furthermore, vendors such as Amazon require an FCC ID for radio frequency devices.

We Can Help You Get FCC Certification in Malaysia

As an FCC-recognized Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) and ANSI-accredited lab, we specialize in FCC certification. Our team can test your device and complete the certification process on your behalf, granting your device access to the US market.

We frequently work with international clients, including manufacturers in Malaysia. Our team of engineers and compliance specialists can help you with every step of the process, including the shipping process for your device to our accredited testing facility. 

To talk to our engineers and compliance specialists about the testing and certification process, or to request a free, no-obligation quote for FCC testing and certifying your device, contact us online or call us at 866-540-5287.

FCC Certification is Required for Access to the US Market

In the United States, all devices that can emit radio frequency waves are regulated by the FCC, or Federal Communications Commission. FCC Part 15 is designed to ensure that devices which use the radio frequency spectrum do so responsibly and within certain performance limits.

The limits set under FCC Part 15 are designed to prevent devices from causing or being subject to electromagnetic interference (EMI). 

In order to comply with FCC Part 15, your device will need to complete a series of tests with an accredited lab. These include checking your device’s radiated emissions, conducted emissions, and its immunity to electromagnetic emissions from other sources.

If your device passes lab testing, you will receive equipment authorization from the FCC, giving your device access to the US market.

Devices can receive equipment authorization via the FCC certification process. In some cases, such as devices that use a pre-certified module, equipment authorization is possible through a simpler process called a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC).

Our team can help you determine the appropriate compliance process for your device and get FCC equipment authorization.

Devices That Need FCC Certification

Common electronic device types that require FCC certification include:

  • Smartphones and other mobile devices
  • Cordless phones, remotes and control devices
  • TVs, Hi-Fi systems and other home entertainment equipment
  • Dishwashers, microwaves and other home appliances
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Electronic musical instruments and recording devices
  • Computers, printers, keyboards and other peripherals
  • Security cameras and other home security systems
  • Commercial and industrial electronic devices and equipment
  • Other consumer electronics

Contact Us About FCC Testing & Certification for Your Device

Completing lab testing and receiving FCC equipment authorization is a mandatory step if you plan to market your device in the United States.

As an FCC-recognized Telecommunications Certification Body and ANSI-accredited lab, we specialize in FCC testing and certification. Our expert team regularly works with clients from Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, and can provide one-on-one help and expertise.

To request a free, no-obligation quote for testing and certifying your device, or to speak to our engineers, contact us online or call us at 866-540-5287.