We Work With Manufacturers in South Korea

If you’re located in South Korea and need help achieving FCC certification for your device, we can help you. We regularly work with clients in South Korea and can facilitate fast, convenient delivery of your device to our accredited testing lab.

Click the “Talk to Our Team” button to the right to contact our engineering and compliance team to request a free quote for your device or ask a question about the FCC certification process.

By law, electronic devices capable of emitting radio frequency energy sold in the United States are required to comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, including the FCC Part 15 rules.

These rules set limits on your device’s radio frequency (RF) emissions to stop interference that may affect communications systems.

Almost all consumer and industrial electronic products are subject to FCC Part 15. To sell your device in the United States legally, you’ll need to complete FCC testing with an accredited test lab and receive FCC certification, granting your device US market access. 

We Can Help You Get FCC Certification in South Korea

We specialize in FCC certification and work with manufacturers worldwide, including in South Korea, to complete testing and receive certification from the FCC. 

As an ANSI-certified testing lab and leader in international compliance, our team can help you ship your device to our US-based testing facility. We can also sign any relevant NDAs or other documentation to protect your intellectual property and ensure data privacy. 

We offer fast, cost-effective testing and have helped hundreds of businesses around the world achieve FCC certification for thousands of products since 1963.

To request a free, no-obligation quote for FCC testing and certification, or to ask our engineers and compliance specialists your questions about the certification process, contact us online or call us at 866-540-5287. 

You can also continue reading below to find out more about FCC Part 15 requirements and the FCC certification process. 

FCC Certification is Required to Sell Your Device in the USA

In the United States, all devices that are capable of emitting radio frequency waves are subject to FCC Part 15 and need FCC equipment authorization in order to enter the market.

The FCC Part 15 regulations exist to protect the radio spectrum, which is used for emergency communications, TV and radio broadcasting, and other purposes, from interference produced by electronic devices.

FCC equipment authorization is mandatory. Manufacturers with items that do not comply with the FCC Part 15 regulations may be subject to legal action, including fines, from the FCC.

In order to receive FCC certification, your device needs to be tested in an accredited electrical device testing lab. This process verifies that it operates within the electromagnetic interference (EMI) limits set in FCC Part 15 and is appropriate for the United States market.

What Types of Devices Need FCC Testing & Certification?

All electronic devices that can emit radio frequencies are subject to FCC Part 15 and require equipment authorization in order to enter the United States market.

Devices that require FCC testing and certification include:

  • Smartphones and other mobile devices
  • Cordless phones, remotes and control devices
  • TVs, Hi-Fi systems and other home entertainment equipment
  • Dishwashers, microwaves and other home appliances
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Electronic musical instruments and recording devices
  • Computers, printers, keyboards and other peripherals
  • Security cameras and other home security systems
  • Commercial and industrial electronic devices and equipment
  • Other consumer electronics

Contact Us About FCC Certification for Your Device

We specialize in FCC testing and certification, and can help you achieve compliance and USA market access for your device. Our team has extensive experience working with businesses in South Korea and can assist you with every step of the testing and certification process.

As part of this process, we can arrange fast, secure shipping for your device from South Korea to our ANSI-accredited testing facility. 

To request a free, no-obligation quote for testing and certifying your device, or to speak with our engineers about the FCC certification process and requirements, contact us online or call us at 866-540-5287.